Registration for Volunteering - Indication of Interest CFA Institute Ethics Challenge in India(By Invitation Only) This is the initial form to collect info from CFA Charterholders who wish to volunteer. Due to the large pool of people keen to volunteer, we may not be able to allocate a role to everyone. Final Decision lies with the Ethics Challenge Core Committee. Full Name (To be printed on certificate)* Are you a CFA Charterholder?*-- Select --YesNoMembership Number* Volunteer as : Grader!*-- Select --YesNoPrimary Email Address* Preferably Active Personal Email AddressAlternative Email Address* Primary Mobile no* 10 Digit number only (Avoid 91, + , - or any other spacing in between numbers)Alternate Mobile no* 10 Digit number only (Avoid 91, + , - or any other spacing in between numbers)LinkedIn Profile* In case you have a Linkedin profileTwitter Profile* In case you have a Twitter profileYour Graduation or PG School* Please name your school where you did your Masters or MBAYears of experience* Area of experience (Pls mention keywords)* Brief about yourself?* Please indicate your Investment related experience, Organization etc.Have you Volunteered with IAIP before in any role?* If yes, please provide detailsAny Conflict Dates* Please indicate your unavailability for any extended period if any?Current Location* Please specify your current locationCorrespondence Address* Please provide full address along with postal/pin code