Master Class with Jason Zweig | What Investors Can Learn about Forensic Analysis from Investigative Journalism
We are pleased to announce the upcoming webinar “What Investors Can Learn about Forensic Analysis from Investigative Journalism” on November 20, 2020 from 6.00 pm IST.
No matter what your investing style is, forensic analysis can help avoid some of the pitfalls inherent in human misjudgment. There is a lot to learn from investigative journalism, especially from a celebrity thought leader like Jason Zweig, who has seen it all. As William J Bernstein says, Jason “is the reigning gold medallist in the investing Olympics decathlon”.CFA Society India is pleased to host Jason Zweig who will take us through the below:
- Why Warren Buffett has often said that if he hadn’t become an investor, he would have been a journalist
- The six indispensable attributes for a journalist — and a financial analyst or portfolio manager
- A few tips on how to get people to reveal significant information to you
Jason Zweig is the investing and personal-finance columnist for The Wall Street Journal. He is the author of The Devil’s Financial Dictionary, a satirical glossary of Wall Street (PublicAffairs Books, 2015), and Your Money and Your Brain, on the neuroscience of financial decision-making (Simon & Schuster, 2007). Zweig edited the revised edition of Benjamin Graham’s The Intelligent Investor (HarperCollins, 2003), the classic text that Warren Buffett has described as “by far the best book about investing ever written.” Zweig also wrote The Little Book of Safe Money (Wiley, 2009); co-edited Benjamin Graham: Building a Profession, an anthology of Graham’s essays (McGraw Hill, 2010); and assisted the Nobel Prize-winning psychologist Daniel Kahneman in writing his book Thinking, Fast and Slow. From 1995 through 2008 Zweig was a senior writer for Money magazine; before joining Money, he was the mutual-funds editor at Forbes. Zweig has also been a guest columnist for Time magazine and He has served as a trustee of the Museum of American Finance, an affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution, and sits on the editorial boards of Financial History magazine and The Journal of Behavioral Finance. A graduate of Columbia University, where he was a John Jay National Scholar, Zweig lives in New York City.

Ramesh S. Damani, age 63, is a Member of the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). A graduate of H.R. College, Mumbai, he did his MBA from California State University, Northridge. He has been a broker, at the BSE, since 1989. He is currently Chairman of Avenue Supermarts Ltd. [popularly known as D-Mart]. Prior to joining Avenue Supermarts Ltd., he was and remains Managing Director of Ramesh S. Damani Finance Pvt. Ltd., who are members of the BSE. He also serves on the Boards of VIP INDUSTRIES LTD and APTECH Ltd. as an Independent Director. He has hosted a number of shows on CNBC-TV18, amongst them are Wizards of Dalal Street, Oriental & Occidental and RD 360. He is a frequent commentator of financial issues on various business channels. Married to Ruchi and has one son.
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