Shagun Thukral, CFA

Shagun Thukral, CFA
Adjunct Faculty - SCMHRD



Question – How long have you been volunteering with CFA Society India?
Answer – 10 years


Question – Why did you choose to volunteer for CFA Society India, and what aspects of it do you find the most fulfilling?
Answer – I chose to volunteer as it gave me an opportunity to connect and network with people in the same business. The investment industry/community in India is small and the CFA Society India provides an excellent platform to meet people across the spectrum of the industry. The most fulfilling aspect of volunteering has been meeting like-minded people where we have managed to build not just strong professional networks but also personal friendships and bonds. !


Question – Has volunteering helped you professionally?
Answer – Volunteering has helped me immensely at a professional level. Being a faculty member and an independent investment professional, volunteering gave me visibility and a platform, allowing people to know me and reach out to me for my professional services. Even when I was collecting data for my PhD in corporate bond markets, the CFA network made it so easy for me to reach out to the right people. Through organising events, I was able to connect some senior members and eminent industry speakers whose knowledge and inputs have helped tremendously. At the institute that I teach, we are able to collaborate with industry specialists through the CFA connect I have been able to build.


Question – What advice would you have for someone considering volunteering for the first time? What can they expect, and how can they maximise their experience while volunteering?
Answer – My advice would be that volunteering is a long term commitment and you have to be prepared to give it time and energy. It depends on the attitude that you go into it with. If the expectation is what can I get out of it, then its likely that you are going to be disappointed. Most people volunteer for couple of events and then drop out. To really maximise the experience, you have to be patient and perseverant. You have to spend the initial period just building your credibility, bringing your enthusiasm to the table. Take responsibilities and deliver. The results and benefits will flow automatically.