Shivani Suvarna, CFA

Shivani Suvarna, CFA
AVP, Impact Investment Exchange



Question – How long have you been volunteering with CFA Society India?
Answer – 6 months


Question – Why did you choose to volunteer for CFA Society India, and what aspects of it do you find the most fulfilling?
Answer – I love connecting with people and serving the community, hence, the urge to volunteer with CFA Society India! Further, it comes with a lot of perks and learnings as well – an experience noteworthy to mention would be where I got the opportunity to host the 6th India Fintech Conference hosted by CFA Society India. Connecting with senior industry leaders and fellow industry professionals is also one of the highlights!


Question – Has volunteering helped you professionally?
Answer – Yes, it has! 


Question – What advice would you have for someone considering volunteering for the first time? What can they expect, and how can they maximise their experience while volunteering?
Answer – I strongly recommend volunteering because it not only helps with networking with industry leaders and fellow professionals, but also helps in improving one’s skillset like communication, presentation, organizing etc. My advice would be “just go for it!”.