Newsletter March 2024

Reflecting on An Eventful Quarter
Society Updates
Litesh Gada, CFA
As we conclude another quarter, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on the events that have unfolded and the progress we’ve made together as a community...

Rally in Metals: Recent Trends and Long-Term Considerations
Mihir Shirgaonkar, CFA
The role of metals in supporting the next leg of global growth highlights their relevance in present as well as future market scenarios. Metals as well...

Sustainable Banking – Time To Act Like A Responsible Lender
Sustainable Banking
Labanya Prakash Jena, CFA
Failure to mitigate Climate change and failure of climate-change adaptation are the top risks in a 10-year time horizon, according to the World Economic Forum...

Investing basics – Introduction to different Investment Options, Risk and Return
Kislay Upadhyay, CFA
Let’s talk about investing basics today. Dictionary defines investing as the “act of buying and holding assets to earn capital...

Asset Allocation and its Importance in Your Portfolio
Asset Allocation
Mohit Beriwala, CFA
4 years back, I wanted to lose fat & gain muscles. Someone told me that I needed to eat lots of vegetables & salads. I started eating it almost all the time. I lost weight...

Budgeting and Financial Planning
Financial Planning
Navin Agarwal, CFA
Financial Planning is something that we hear often, but often fail to go the depth of it and truly implement it. While there are many elements to it, I have noted...
CAPE Is High: Should You Care?
Robert Shiller’s cyclically adjusted price-to-earnings ratio (CAPE) is approaching historically high levels. In fact, CAPE’s current value has been exceeded only twice since 1900. But should you care?...
Managing Regret Risk: The Role of Asset Allocation
Traditional investment approaches assume investors have equal access to market information and make rational, emotionless decisions. Behavioral finance, championed by Richard Thaler, Daniel Kahneman, and Amos Tversky, challenges...
6 Key Themes - 2024 Market Insights
As we enter 2024, there are several key themes that will likely influence the macroeconomic and capital markets environment. Last year, US economic growth rebounded and inflation waned, while Europe and several emerging...
Beta is an important variable used as an input in determining a discount rate (or a required return) to calculate the fair value of equity. Efforts have been made to improve the quality of Beta’s estimate beyond the typical approach of regressing...
New Research on Macroeconomic Exposures in Equity Portfolios Wins 2023 Graham and Dodd Award of Excellence
CFA Institute, the global association of investment professionals, announces the winners of the 2023 Graham and Dodd Awards of Excellence. These prestigious awards...