Newsletter September 2023

Society Updates
Jitendra Chawla, CFA
The QE September 2023 was another vibrant quarter where the society continued to fire on all cylinders. We are thrilled to share that...

The Elephant in the Investing Room: Self-Awareness
Jolly Balva, CFA
Traditional finance is based on the premise of homo economicus viz. An average person has the intellectual ability to process all information and takes optimum...

Behavioural Finance in Investment Management
Mihir Shirgaonkar, CFA
One of the ways in which we can relate the teachings of the Gita to wealth management is by visualizing an investor who possesses a dispassionate investment discipline...

Decoding Human Psychology
Manish Gvalani, CFA
I recently watched ’Antman and the Wasp – Quantumania’ and it was a fun movie to watch. No one does a better job than Disney + Marvel of showcasing the multitude...
In-Conversation with Litesh Gada, CFA
Interviewed by Parvez Abbas, CFA
CFA is highly regarded in the finance industry and has helped me a lot. It provided a strong foundation of knowledge and analytical skills that helped in...
In-Conversation with Prof. Ripsy Bondia
Interviewed by Shivani Chopra, CFA
In the initial months of my PhD at MDI, I opted for a course on behavioural finance based on a friend’s strong recommendation. I was fascinated by the subject from the...
In-Conversation with Satyajit Singh
Interviewed by Manish Gvalani, CFA
A clear example of behavioral bias with fixed income investors is they chase yield without considering various risks. During low interest rate periods, they ignore credit risk...
In-Conversation with Vaibhav Jain, CFA, CMT
Interviewed by Siddharth Jain, CFA
Behavioural biases are a common challenge for investors, and Iif you ask me to name one that ‘ve personally encountered and managed, is the “Availability Bias” in my own...
Insights on Investing and Finance
Recommendations by Manish Gvalani, CFA
Here are the book reviews by Manish Gvalani CFA, offering insights into four different titles on investing and finance, each summarizing the key takeaways and the value they bring to investors...
Boredom: An Investor’s Last Remaining Edge?
By Brandon Beylo
“Win or lose, everybody gets what they want out of the market. Some people seem to like to lose, so they win by losing money.”
The Thin Line Between Bold and Reckless
By Morgan Housel
The hardest thing about studying businesses and investors is that many traits that fueled their success could have just as easily...
On the importance of staring directly into the sun
By Adam Mastroianni
There's something very weird about the timeline of scientific discoveries. For the first few thousand years, it’s mostly math. Maybe...
Behind The Curtains of Buffett's Life with Alice Schroeder
By Frederik Gieschen
"I will never forget a few people insisting to me that Warren is really not that interested in money." It was courageous of him...
Maxims for Thinking Analytically for Business Analysts and Value Investors
Contributed by
Ajay Minocha, CFA
#3rd MAW 2023 – Economy and Market Outlook
Contributed by
Man Mohan Bhartia, CFA
#8th IWMC 2023 – Role of Alternative Assets in Portfolio Construction
Contributed by
Madhusudhan Khaitan